Tuesday, November 10, 2009

After long holidays or a long time off work, its natural to be a little "slow" to come back to the working routine. But I discovered its possible to work feeling as if you are still in holidays. How? Is just a matter or keeping peaceful and open to listen more than speaking. People are anxious to show their opinion, their side of any situation, their problems wainting for solution... Don't worry. Things were in when you were out, and so they will keep going.
Relax after a long working day doing something you like, remember the places and people you had met during your holidays. Stop & think before get nervous, anxious or before to loose the control of your peace. It will take at least one year for you to take another break, so, try to extend it inside yourself.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Discovering Canada

Canada is a surprising country. If you are about to visit, wait until Springs come again. Average temperature in October (when I was there) was minus 10 some days, sunny days!
Be aware you had understood the bills you'll have to pay in the country. Many shops and restaurants don't inform the label prices are before taxes (high ones for Latin standards). But there are no fees in the good roads and there are lots of clean public whashrooms everywhere, if you need. Belive me, you will need.
The old Quebec city is the ancient city with medieval walls, charming and precious. Do not miss the sun going down from Chateau Frontanac main square. The picture was take on Thousand Islands Cruise They are all artificial islands built by millionaires who wanted some private summer houses.... they wanted, once they had it. Now everybody visit the lake, bordering USA, and I wondering where the millionaires had gone for privacity...
Make sure you can speak some words in french. Canada is a bilingual country. That's a nice exercise for your brain - if you do it until midnight. After that, is a problem to remember simple words as "water" and "key" in any bilingual system.
I liked the expericence. But I can't say I liked the country. It's too large to be known in a few days. Even the Canadians are still discovering it. Happyness to knwo there are so many news things to discover in world becoming smaller each year. Nice holidays at all!