Saturday, July 3, 2010

The Game is Over, and Now?

The country stopped to watch the World Cup. It was like to be in another world: no work, do debts, no regulations. The only thing to do was to cheer up!
But the game is over now. Even when the team wins, the game always ends.
The problem in Brazil is to swallow a bit of proud mixed with a pinch of envy. Everyone has to go back to work some day!
A lovely old lady in the bus trip, just after the game against Holland said she did not understand why everybody was so sad. According to her, if the country had took part in a world competition it was good enough to be happy.
I believe she's right. Winners have to come back to reality sooner or later as much as loosers. What's the difference between them at least? I can see only one: reality itself.
South Africa has a very difficult reality to come back in a few days and they are not crying for it.
They are happy for taking part. They were seen by the whole world as people who live their lives as much as anyone. So far, the game is over but lifes goes on. Better than ever because it's still real life.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Things you must know before buying a trip pack

The worst thing in the Earth is to buy a trip pack imagining a wonderful time somewhere far from your day to day troubles, and to discover afterwords you had bought a closed, empty black box.
So, before giving your credicard number to any travel agent, try to know simple things like:
1) Is there any way to regret and to give up the trip before you go?
2) Do you realy know anything about the place(s) you're about to go ?
3) Do you know someone who had visited there and such person can tell you about it?

If the answers to these questions are all "no"; my friend keep one eye on your bank account and the other eye in the travel agency exit door!

Some places are very nice by pictures and even more nice in the sweet words from a clever travel agent. But reality is never a show! It is what it is. So far, do not let the "sounds from the Desert" enchant your earings if you hate feeling melting at the sun, had never been able to tolerate sand at the beach or even had never been introduced to a no bath trip for more than one day.

Next time we'll try to talk about safety. That's the secret.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

And a Happy New Year...
that's not a must. It's a deal. If you want to have a happy new year, why don't you try to make it happy ?
It's bad employment? Look for a new one this year.
I't's a good one? Turn it better even!!
Is your family around you? Enjoy it. Do they annoy you ? Get out of there!
Simple things you can do to make your life happier are those close to your hand. Why don't you try once in life to make it ?
Another way to make it work is to help someone in needing. It's amazing how doing something for someone helps you to feel happy. Give a break and think: how many times did you do something like that?
So, it's easy to complain and hard to change. A new time is comming to prove you it's possible. If I were you I wouldn't miss the chance!
Take care, happy you!